River Flowers [Reviews]
The River King – Return to western Maine with a new cast of characters! [Excerpt & Reviews]
North of Easie – [Excerpt and Reviews]
West of Rangeley – [Excerpt and Reviews]
Brook Trout Blues – [Excerpt and Reviews]
Return to Rangeley – [Excerpt]
Fishing with Faeries – A diary of one year on a small stream inhabited by wild trout. [Excerpt & Reviews]
Shadows in the Stream – Each chapter contains a story about a different lake, river, or stream
in the Rangeley Lakes area, while conveying a sense of the region’s rich history and wild beauty. [Excerpt & Reviews]
ANTHOLOGIES – Bob has contributed an essay to each of the following:
Fresh Fiction for Fresh Water Fishing – From Birch Brook Press
Wildbranch: An Anthology of Nature, Environmental, and Place-Based Writing – From The University of Utah Press
Christmas in the Wild – From Birch Brook Press